by Marcela Echevarría

Liminal Loop Garden (2023) multi-media performance

Performance statement:

Absence addicted construct
    creative embody evils
                exist LIMINAL gap in-between
                leaving love necessary one’s
                others receipts pain place pool LOOP prison
                                    processing sake
                                            shift social space support GARDEN structures
                        there wholeness word

This research-performance is an embodied experiment in freedom initiated by Shadbolt Fellow in the Humanities and anti-disciplinary artist Ghinwa Yassine and conducted with a group of seven visual artists and performers, Andrea Denny-Jiles, Melanie Evelyn, Raha Pakdel, Deepali Raiththa, Ella Tani, Françoise Thibault, and Liz Wurzinger. 

Direction, Dramaturgy, Production

Sound design: Dorsa Moazami
Fabrication: Peter Boulanger
Photo Credits: Marcela Echevarría

Special thanks to the School for the Contemporary Arts and the Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies at Simon Fraser University.

Illustrated by Ella Tani

Illustrated by Ella Tani