This stop-motion animation was created for the Ives Ensemble to accompany Fabio Nieder's composition which was inspired by Vitto Timmel's drawing "Sogno 10 lunedì gennaio 1892 in una casa molte gente musiche son entrato a casa" (2005)
The film took the drawing as a starting point to an imagined journey inside a house. The title of the drawing bordering between hyperrealism and absurdity (Dream 10 Monday January 1892 in a house many musicians have come home) has influenced the choice of subjects and style. The more than 4000 drawings are representing literally anything and everything that could happen in a house.
Original Drawing by Vito von Thümmel
Concept, Drawing, Animation
Rob Van Dam (Editing, Animation)
Elwin Beekman (Production)
Music: Fabio Nieder