Technical Specifications:

Three-channel video installation experienced in three phases in two separate spaces. The audience enter a first room and encounter a film projected on a wall. As they move further to the back of the room they encounter another film projected on the floor. And last they are lead to a second room where both previous films are projected adjacently or as split-screen on the ceiling.

Falling, 2019, two 5 min loops, three-channel installation, two-channel sound


A visual poem about falling based on autobiographical accounts of falling in an accident that juxtaposes ideas about injury, and witnessing the falling of bombs during different wars in Lebanon. Falling becomes a metaphor for the precariousness and fragility of human life, where bones, like ticking internal bombs, shatter upon impact with the ground. Verticality has long been an orientation to strive for, rising from sins, avoiding falling into disgrace or misery. In the light of recent global events, we are seeing structures falling, economies falling, bombs falling. How does the body accept falling as a new condition, and perhaps practice falling as a way of accepting one’s own helplessness? The visual poem is unfolded in three phases where the narrative gets built as the audience move into the space, first encountering each film separately then encountering them together.

Camera, Lighting, Editing, Text, Performance, Sound Design

Full text:

They fell twice
They flew momentarily twice
Did they fall? Or did they dream it?
They were told a window fell on them while they were sleeping
They were three years old
Since then, they became obsessed with falling
They hated birds
Birds could fly
The window fell on them and shattered
They were miraculously unharmed
A bomb exploded near the house
The bombs had been falling ever since they were born
The bombs falling while they watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Getting high on Lebanese hash
The year their jaw locked
They ate with straws
Did they really fall those bombs?
Their bodies shattered when they fell
Their bones a ticking clock
Did they fall or did the ground collapse into them?

Are you floating?
Grip, grip, then let go
Do you feel it shaking?
Grip, grip, then let go
Let go, there’s nothing to hold on to
Let gravity breathe you in
Let go, there’s nothing you can do
How is your jaw?
How is your spine?

Take your time to rise